Monday, April 27, 2009

Who Am I?

You will think my blog post is a review of the popular movie Who Am I by Hongkong Superstar Jackie Chan and the hit single of Casting Crowns "Who Am I". But either of the two is the real content of the post. Who Am I in the world wide web?

I been doing blogging and basic Search Engine Optimization for almost a year already. I live a life right now that I must see my emails and blogs before I close my eyes and sleep. How weird but it's the reality of my life today. I am now active, hook-up and addicted in the online world especially to blogging, SEO forums and SEO.

However, things in the real SEO industry is not that easy as I think. As a newbie in the field, so many things were really a questioned. I managed to solved and answered some of it but I am still a newbie one. I do really hope that my Journey is worth living latter on. :)